What If the Biggest Barrier to Your success Is Your Own Mind?


 You have the skills. You have the drive. You have the vision.
But what if the biggest obstacle standing between you and explosive success is...you?

The crippling self-doubt. The inner critic's taunts. The imposter syndrome telling you you're not enough. What if those mental roadblocks were finally demolished?  

Kingdom Daughter Mindset Mastery is a powerful online course designed to help you break through self-limiting beliefs and step fully into your God-given power.

Take A Look Inside The Course

Module One

In this module, you will learn practical strategies and my signature method to identify and reframe fear-based thoughts and limiting beliefs. Through powerful teachings and exercises, you will gain the tools to replace negative thinking patterns with God's truth, enabling you to walk in confidence and faith.

Module Two
Kingdom Identity 

Discover the incredible potential and purpose that God has uniquely designed for you. This module dives deep into understanding your identity in Christ and how to live out your Kingdom calling. You will learn to embrace your true identity as a beloved daughter of God and step into the fullness of who He created you to be.

Module Three
Spiritual Growth & Habits

Nurture your relationship with God and deepen your faith through this module. You will explore essential spiritual growth habits such as prayer, meditation, studying God's Word, and cultivating a heart of worship. These practices will help you develop a strong foundation for spiritual growth and draw closer to God.

Module Four
Balance & Boundaries

Establishing healthy boundaries is vital for maintaining balance and well-being. In this module, you will learn practical strategies to set boundaries in your relationships, work, and personal life. Discover how to prioritize self-care, protect your time and energy, and create a life that aligns with your values and God's calling.

Course Workbook

The Kingdom Daughter Mindset Mastery course workbook is a valuable companion to the digital course, designed to enhance your learning experience and provide practical tools for personal growth and transformation. This beautifully designed workbook is filled with thought-provoking exercises, reflection prompts, and guided activities that will help you dive deeper into the course content and apply it to your life.  

*Flexible Payment Plans Available 

Kingdom Daughter Mindset Mastery

2 payments of

$119 USD

per month

  • Monthly Payment Plan

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Kingdom Daughter Mindset Mastery

6 payments of

$49 USD

per month

  • Monthly Payment Plan

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Kingdom Daughter Mindset Mastery

$199 USD



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Meet your Coach

Hey! Im Destiny Pickens

I am a certified mindset coach who specializes in coaching Christian women in business and leadership. My mission is to empower women like you to dream big, create fearlessly, and boldly pursue the vision and calling God has placed on your life!